Please do not use our locksmith service as a substitute for professional emergency services. If you or your child are in immediate danger, please call 911 without hesitation. Your child’s safety is the top priority. You should always call 911 first before a locksmith company.
if your child is locked in the car in Colorado Springs.
Call 911 Immediately before contacting us, we are not a replacement for emergency services.
You and your child’s safety is our top priority. If you find yourself in a situation with your child locked in the car, call us for free emergency locksmith services.
Yes, that’s right.
We offer free locksmith services if your child is locked in your car in Colorado Springs. Our top priority is the safety and well-being of your child, and we are here to help in any way we can.
Leaving a child in a locked car can have serious and even deadly consequences. In just minutes, the temperature inside a car can rise to dangerous levels, putting the child at risk of heatstroke and dehydration. Additionally, a child left alone in a car is vulnerable to abduction or injury from accidentally shifting the car into gear. It’s important to always double-check that your child is out of the car before locking it and walking away, although accidents happen.
At our company, we understand the importance of child safety and the potential dangers of leaving a child locked inside a car. That’s why we offer free emergency locksmith services to anyone in this situation. Our team of trained professionals will respond quickly and efficiently to ensure the safety of your child. Don’t hesitate to call us if you ever find yourself in need of our services.
In these extreme situations, it’s important to resist the urge to try and open the door yourself. Searching online for solutions like “my toddler locked himself in the car”, “unlock car by pulling handles”, or “child locked in car what to do” can waste valuable time you do not have. Instead, contact Affordable Professional Locksmith or your local Fire Department for immediate assistance. Our professional locksmiths will unlock your car for free and without causing any damage. Trust us to handle the situation safely and efficiently.
How to contact us for help.
If you find yourself in a situation where your child is locked inside your car, don’t panic. Call 911 immediately, only then should you call our emergency locksmith services at 719-210-7158. Our team of trained professionals will respond quickly and efficiently to ensure the safety of your child. We understand the urgency of this situation and are committed to providing free services to help keep your child safe. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you ever find yourself in need of our assistance.
The Fire Department.
Although their primary role is not as locksmiths, the Fire Department is often called upon to assist in unlocking cars, especially when a child is locked inside. They are highly skilled and can usually resolve the situation quickly. However, it’s important to note that some vehicles, BMW for example, may require specific tools or methods to unlock the door without causing damage. However, if time is of the essence, their priority is safely extracting the child from the vehicle, even if it means breaking a window. Rest assured, the professionals handling the situation are solely focused on the safety and well-being of your child.
Despite this, the Fire Department is always ready to serve our community in Colorado Springs. At Affordable Professional Locksmith, we are grateful for their service and want to do our part as well. If you find yourself in a situation where your child is locked in a car, we can come to you immediately and use our professional tools to open the car without causing any damage, free of charge. We can even make a spare key on-site to prevent future incidents.

Even as professional locksmiths, we understand that there are certain situations where breaking a car window is called for, like when you believe your child is locked inside is not safe to wait for an emergency service or a speedy locksmith service. While we will always use non-destructive methods to gain entry, the safety and well-being of your child should always be the top priority. In such cases, it is important to make your own decision and act quickly and decisively to ensure their safety.
The importance of being prepared for emergencies.
Emergencies can happen at any time and being prepared can make all the difference. Whether it’s having a first aid kit on hand, knowing how to perform CPR, or having a plan in case of a natural disaster, being prepared can help keep you and your loved ones safe. In the case of accidental lockouts, having a spare key or knowing who to call for 24-hour emergency locksmith services can help prevent a potentially dangerous situation. Take the time to prepare for emergencies and give yourself peace of mind. Program our phone number in your phone, so you know if your child is locked in the car, we will come right away and help right away.
The NHTSA warns that leaving a child or pet in a car without air conditioning, even with a window cracked open, can lead to dangerous temperatures. In just 10 minutes, the temperature inside a car can rise nearly 20 degrees Fahrenheit. If you accidentally lock your keys inside and your child is still in the car, or your child locked himself in car, it’s important to act quickly. Remember, it’s always better to err on the side of caution and call 911 IMMEDIATELY.
When do you offer a free locksmith service?
We offer a free service to help in these situations, but there are some important factors to consider. If it has been longer than 10 minutes since your child has been in the car, we will weigh our estimated time of arrival against that of the emergency services. Additionally, every situation is different – some cars may be off and rapidly increasing in temperature, while others may be air-conditioned and allow you to observe your child’s well-being through the window. Regardless of the circumstances, we are committed to supporting our community and always providing quick locksmith service at no cost when needed the most.

Please do not use our locksmith service as a substitute for professional emergency services. If you or your child are in immediate danger, please call 911 without hesitation. Your child’s safety is the top priority.